Pania of Rotorua Top 10 Holiday Park holds the torch. Thank-you so much for hosting some of our team. It is much appreciated!

One of the many colourful murals at Western Heights Primary School showing the school mission "E Tu Hei Maunga" -Stand tall as a mountain.

Inside the gymnasium we tell the children that the Peace Run has visited 140 countries over the last 30 years.

Our Torch Bearer recipient is Victor Mercep. Victor works with children in the Kiwi Daddy support group, helping them to become better men. He also tutors kapa haka, keeping culture alive and strong in the community.

Lunch thanks to our super support crew: Pravera (she boiled eggs, made guacomole and brought buns and salad...plus she made a feijoa slice!)

Prefects of Rotorua Intermediate give us the red carpet treatment! Thanks for your welcome and explanation of all the different nationalities that are represented at your school.

We are presented with colourful art which will take a proud place at the international exhibition at the Coliseum in Rome.

Vernei of Rotorua Lakes Council hosts the ceremonial tree planting of a miro at Centennial Park. The council kindly sponsored a plaque. Visit these beautiful gardens!