The Peace Run team was received by the president´s staff
A Peace Run foi recebida pela comitiva da presidência

The reception of the Peace Run team by the President Miguel Albuquerque
A receção do Senhor Presidente Dr. Miguel Albuquerque, à equipa da Peace Run

The President Miguel Albuquerque receives the Peace torch from Salil the Executive Director of the Peace Run
O Senhor Presidente Miguel Albuquerque recebe a tocha da Paz de Salil o Diretor Executivo da Peace Run

President Miguel Albuquerque, Jorge Carvalho, David Gomes, Marco Gomes with the Peace Run team
Sr. Presidente Miguel Albuquerque, Dr. Jorge Carvalho, Dr. David Gomes, Dr. Marco Gomes com a equipa da Peace Run

Florbela Caniceiro - National coordinator of Peace Run with the President Miguel Albuquerque
Florbela Caniceiro - coordenadora nacional da Peace Run com o Presidente Miguel Albuquerque

Students from Gonçalo`s Zarco school join the run
Alunos da Escola Gonçalo do Zarco juntam-se à corrida

The team enters into the stadium at the opening ceremony of the schools sport games
A equipa da Peace Run entra no estádio para a cerimónia de abertura dos Jogos do Desporto Escolar

Salil, Executive Director of the Peace Run presents the Peace Run
Salil, o coordenador internacional apresenta a Peace Run

Joana Soares, Portuguese National Championship of 3.000m hurdles, hold the Peace Run Torch
Joana Soares, campeã nacional dos 3.000m obstáculos, ergue a Tocha da Paz