At Estil Elementary School we were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of local children
"Can anybody guess which city i am from?"
"I know - NYC !!!"
"Run, run, run, run, run, run ...."
Taking a moment to feel the peace in our hearts
Certificate of Appreciation accepted by the school children
The student made a specail wish for peace on his birthday
Thank you Estill Elementary School
We headed south on the 321 in pouring rain
After half an hour the rain has stopped and we were all smiles ...
Smiling Zuska !!!
A group of children that we met at our stop at the gas station hold the peace torch.
While waiting for her team, Harita was delighted to meet some workman just before the Savannah bridge, who was very happy to hold the torch and share their wishes for peace
In Ridgeland with Anthony Garzilli from the Jasper County Sun
The girls' team arrives to Savannah, GA
In Savannah Tanya Milton, from the Savannah Tribute interviewed the women's team as they arrived in Savannah.
Wherever you go,
Carry happiness with you.
-Sri Chinmoy
Torch carried by Abhejali Bernardová(Czech Republic),
Anna Khimchinskaia(Russia),
Arpan DeAngelo(United States),
Dennis Gribok(Luxembourg),
Harita Davies(New Zealand),
Jennifer Cluck(United States),
Sarvodaya Grygoryivskyy(Ukraine),
Vera Sevastiyanova(Russia),
Zuzana Klásková(Czech Republic).
Abhejali Bernardová,
Dennis Gribok,
Harita Davies,
Jennifer Cluck
The torch has travelled
76.0 mi
from Sycamore to Savannah.