Our first event was in Pacifica with the Missionaries of Charity established by Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 1950. One of the sisters fondly remember Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy visits to Mother Teresa in the Bronx, NY. She commented, "Sri Chinmoy really loved the Mother."

Nikolaus and Salil invited everyone to go back in time to 1987 to be part of the launch of the Peace Run.

We were grateful to see Dean, Kinkani and Phaedra (L - R). Kinkani and Phaedra are Peace Run alumni who have both previously joined the US team and run all 10,000 miles. In many ways we feel the aspiration and dedication expressed by previous team members endures and helps carry us forward today.
Kinkani very kindly and selflessly served as the organizer for our events as we passed through Pacifica, San Francisico and Berkeley. Gratitude.