We started our day in the beautiful capital of Italy by be official guest of Rome Half Marathon Via Pacis. We participated in the 5km run for Peace. We also had a representative of the Sri Chinmoy oneness-home Peace Run running competitive Half Marathon. A special thanks to the organizers of this important event, for hosting Peace Run: Roma Capitale, the Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura and the Italian Athletics Federation (FIDAL). Special thanks also to Roberto De Benedittis of Fidal and Coordinator Rome Half Marathon Via Pacis.

We had also the honour to meet H.E. Reenat Sandhu, Ambassador of India in Rome. H.E. holds the Peace torch and makes a wish for Peace!

First place winner Fatna Maroui celebrates along with 2nd and 3rd place winners and Romes Mayor Virgina Raggi.

2nd place in Rome Peace half Marathon was Italian Vincenzo Agnello at the time of 1hr.06:29. Congratulations on your hard work!

After we crossed the finish line in Rome outside the Vatican we headed with the Peace run flame to Tivoli were a team from the TIVOLI ATLETICA along with runners from local sport clubs ran with us to Tivoli town square were we were greeted by
minister of sports for Tivoli Riccardo Pisani.
Riccardo Pisani welcomed the Peace runners from around the world. Mr. Pisani was very grateful that we had time to share our message with him and gave us his best wishes and the wishes of the people of Tivoli for world peace and co-operation.

Between Tivoli and Subiaco we were joined by very good runners from MARCIATORI SIMBRUINI running club that escorted us on foot to the Famous and holy San Benedetto Monastery.

San Benedetto Monastery is one of the most serene and soulful places of the Church in Italy. Built almost one thousand years ago. It has the function to preserve the cave where San Benedetto lived a life of prayer, and austerity and where he worked to the founding of his "order".

We were greeted by Padre Abate the headpriest of San Benedetto monastery. Padre Abate blessed the torch and spoke about the living flame that Moses saw on the mountain. A flame that did not burn like fire because that flame represented the living aspiration of mankind for peace and happiness for all living creatures!

We finished our day of running from Rome through Tivoli and to Subiaco with a beautifully silent and sacred moment at the statue of San Benedetto where his famous words of "Pray and work" still echoed!

We could feel those words echo and re-echo in the cave of our minds and in the garden of our hearts as we silently passed the peace torch!