Roberto and Marina, our host in Arpino, were sweetness and kindness incarnated... They treated us like their own children-friends....

The Peace Run can also be an interesting context to develop theater skills. Here our runners are training some skits to presented the school students

Mauro Rea, Andrea Sciucca and Fusco Alessandro, great runners from Arpino joined the team to meet the first school and then run to Santopadre

We met the students of Istituto Compreensivo Tullio Cicerone. Tullio Cicerone (Marcus Tullius Cicero), the important consul and philosopher of the Roman Empire, was actually born in Arpino on the third January 106 BC.

While playing the countries guessing games, Pasha, our athlete from New Zealand performed an Haka Mauri Dance and...

In Piedimonte San Germano we met the President of Aprocis Sport Club Antoine Tortolano, coach Daniele Palombo, coach Cus Cassino from sport club Agostino Terranova and their many wonderful young athletes.

We were received by the Mayor of Cassino, Mr Enzo Salera, that presented us with kind an supportive words of encouragement.