The Peace Run Team awakens on the stunning Croatian island of Brac. The members cannot wait to meet the first school of the day...

On a beautiful square, surrounded by ancient buildings, full of history we arived in our first primary school "Supetar".

Expanding ourselves into the vastness of the Universe, by singing the World Harmony Song, composed many years ago by Sri Chinmoy.

Getting to know the runners and sharing their curiosities, like: "How can you go to the washroom if you are running all the time?

Children are trying to escape from school with the Peace Run Team. Probably not the best way to avoid the next lesson, because the Team brings them back!

Where is Nastya? Nobody seems noticing her absence... Who is in the van thinks she is running and who is running thinks she is in the car!

The Team keeps happy and smiley, unaware of Nastya's adventure struggling to find out which way have the team taken...

The children from kindergarten and elementary school "Sutivan" runs with the Peace Torch, led by a mayor.

What are they doing? Oh, no! They are serving the penance of a daddy that was not allowed to suggest which countries the runners come from! So much fun everyone is having! And more children join the pushups penance!

Oh, yes! I have forgotten to mention that even dogs were not missing at the big event of welcoming the Peace Run on their island for the first time ever! (Or were them there to welcome Nastya back?)