We were invited by the Ministry of Culture and Sports to a day trip along Lake Tanganyika - and were happy to see some of Burundi's countryside.

The roads outside Burundi started to become bumpier towards Rumonge - and the trip finally took 3 hours one way instead of 2.

Along the road lots of small palm oil plantations. Palm oil production has risen considerably in the last 10 years in Burundi.

Locals on their way to a festivity - probably to one of the many weddings celebrated over the weekends.

Traffic in Burundi - and later Kenya and Tanzania - was absolutely fascinating. We saw not a single accident - everyone is flexible and finds their way past everyone else it seems.

We wanted to bring out the Peace Torch, but were told we cannot hold an "assembly" without official permission, so we just shared the flag.

Next stop our special destination - a resort at the Blue Bay at Lake Tanganyika. We felt privileged.

The water of Lake Tanganyika, the second largest lake in Africa, and second deepest in the world, is said to be safe. Charity stage swims along its length have been done before.