We began our run today on the outskirts of Nairobi, where we lit the Peace Torch and headed off to our first reception of the day at the Diamond Junior School.

Our international team featured three African runners, Pierre (Cameroon), Joyce (Ghana) and Michael (Kenya).

Trevor and Brenda told us all about their school, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year.

We saw an excellent dramatic performance based on the story of the Good Samaritan which was very moving - the Diamond School children are really talented!

We were thrilled to welcome a new member to our team, a friend of the Peace Run for many years, running legend Tegla Loroupe!

Our team of 9 runners came from 7 different countries and the children had fun guessing where we were from.

Phaedra from USA added a twist to the game by getting the children to guess her state as well as her country. Surfing and sunshine? Has to be California!

We always share a moment of peace with the children at the schools we visit, by showing them how we can listen to our hearts and hear the inner silence and stillness. They got it straight away - a moment of perfect peace!

The school presented Tegla with a special umbrella and Vasanti from the Peace Run team with a school tea cup - two very important items in Kenya's rainy season.

The International School has a fantastic performance space where we met with around 150 students and staff.

Tegla spoke about education and the importance of having a balanced outlook, combining both sports and academic work.

Once again we shared a powerful moment of silence with everyone, simply by connecting with the peace of the heart.

Learning about the Peace Run from Vasanti, our runner from Germany who has been involved since the very first run in 1987!