Enjoy this video from both days.

Beau Vallon Beach offers us its heavenly landscape.
La plage de Beau Vallon nous offre son paysage paradisiaque

Our Peace Run team was invited to do a presentation at the headquarters of the Seychelles Athletics Federation at 'Popiler Victoria' stadium
Notre équipe Peace Run fut invitée à faire une présentation au siège de la Fédération d'Athlétisme des Seychelles à Victoria au stade Popiler

Mr Wilfred Adrien, Secretary General of the federation organised the team to present to a group of their athletes and administrators.
Wilfred Adrien, le secrétaire général de la fédération, avait organisé la rencontre

Pierrette, TV presenter with SBC who had been with the team yesterday, brought her daughter Hailey.
Pierrette et sa fille

The girls football team having completed their training session did a lap of the track with the torch.
Des supporters se joignèrent à un tour de stade ave la torche

Heading north from Victoria to take the longer coastal route back to Beau Vallon. The road skirted the beautiful Seychelles beaches...
Nous continuames le long des belles plages des Seychelles en direction de Beau Vallon

We met local children, Gavin being so inspired he ran with us for a few hundred metres down the road.
En cours de route, des habitants et touristes nous encouragèrent de leur voeux en portant la torche quelques instants

Our Czech members happy to meet with compatriots.
Des membres de notre équipe heureux de rencontrer des compatriotes tchèques

It seemed that nature was also happy to show us its beauty.
La nature elle-même semblait heureuse de nous montrer sa beauté

Creole culture in all its aspects is celebrated in the annual Creole Festival, today being the street parade of floats and performances which wound its way through the streets and boulevards of Victoria.
Un petit tour au Canaval Créole à Victoria

The parade passed the Unity Monument which represents the four pillars of the Seychelles economy - fisheries, agriculture, tourism and small businesses...