The first day of Southern Hemisphere Peace Run Grand Finale started in Lembongan Island of Bali. It was a half-hour ferry ride from Sanur to this beautiful, idyllic island.
Hari pertama menuju Puncak Acara Peace Run Southern Hemisphere dimulai di Nusa Lembongan. Perlu waktu setengah jam menaiki kapal feri dari Sanur untuk mencapai pulau ini.

Our first visit Sekolah SD Negeri 1 Jungut Batu, at 7:30am. In Bali, schools start early!
Kunjungan yang pertama adalah ke SD Negeri 1 Jungut Batu pada jam 7:30am. Di Bali, sekolah mulai pagi-pagi sekali.

Suhasini, our local MC, leads the program with Executive Director Salil Wilson.
Suhasini, MC kami, memimpin acara bersama dengan Salil Wilson, Executive Director Peace Run.

Students get so inspired when their teachers hold the Peace Torch aloft.
Para murid terlihat bersemangat saat guru mereka memegang Obor Kedamaian.

A Jharna-Kala painting by the Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy, entitled "Life", and Certificate of Appreciation were presented to the school as our token of appreciation and gratitude.
Penyerahan kenang-kenangan kepada sekolah sebagai tanda terima kasih berupa sertifikat Peace Run dan lukisan karya Sri Chinmoy yang berjudul "Life".

Australia and Portugal's 100 m final! -- Is the ending peaceful?
Final lomba lari 100 meter antara Australia dan Portugal--apakah berakhir dengan damai?

We then ran to the second school: SD 3 Negeri Lembongan.
Kemudian kami berlari menuju sekolah yang kedua: SD Negeri 3 Lembongan.

Members of the Karate club were waiting for us along the road to the school gate.
Anggota klub Karate menyapa kami di sepanjang jalan menuju gerbang sekolah.

A large number of girls were waiting for us for the special welcome dance, clad in their traditional dress.
Sekelompok anak-anak perempuan menanti kami di halaman sekolah dan menyambut kami dengan tarian dalam balutan busana adat Bali.

Next is the demonstration by the karate club, led by the girl in front.
Acara dilanjutkan dengan penampilan dari klub karate dipimpin oleh anak perempuan di barisan depan.

Here is an extremely talented boy, who told a children's folk tale with dramatic voice and gesture. We enjoyed watching him very much!
Seorang anak menampilkan cerita rakyat dengan penuh penghayatan gerak dan suara. Kami pun terhanyut dibuatnya!

The story was about a monkey and a turtle. The monkey was hungry and got his friend turtle's help to go across the water to get food. Although the monkey had promised to share the food, he did not keep his promise and ate all the food he got. Soon after, the monkey got exposed.
The moral of the story is, you must keep your promise you made to your friend. If you don't, then it's bad karma and it will come back to you. Also, cooperation is important.
Kisah tentang seekor monyet dan seekor kura-kura. Si monyet yang kelaparan dan temannya si kura-kura membantu menyeberang sungai untuk mendapatkan makanan. Si monyet berjanji akan berbagi makanan tapi dia ingkar dan malah asyik makan sendiri. Tak lama kemudian si monyet tertangkap si empunya kebun.
Pesan moral dari kisah ini adalah, kita harus menepati janji. Jika tidak ditepati, karma buruk akan datang menghampiri. Dan tentu saja, bekerja sama adalah hal yang penting.

In the country guessing game, we made the rule that the teachers could not give the answer. If they said the answer, then the penalty would be 10 pushups! And...that's what happened here with the karate teacher! The students very enthusiastically counted 1 to 10 :-)
Pada saat bermain tebak negara, kami membuat peraturan kalau ada guru yang memberi tahu jawaban maka hukumannya adalah push up sepuluh kali! Dan itulah yang terjadi pada pelatih karate ini! Para murid dengan senang hati menghitung 1 - 10 :-)

Barong, traditional Balinese symbol of good, danced for the occasion, with the Peace Torch.
Penari barong memegang Obor Kedamaian usai mempersembahkan tarian.

Local organizers of this Peace Run--mother Shashibala and daughter Suhasini (centre-left), and the lady who arranged the vehicles for the team for the day on the island.
Panitia Peace Run--Ibu Shashibala dan putrinya Suhasini (tengah-tengah-kiri) dan Ibu Wisnu yang membantu mengatur transportasi selama tim berada di pulau ini.