Today the team would visit a few places in Surabaya. Our first stop was SLB Karya Mulia, Surabaya, a special needs school. Dr. Davidson Hepburn, former President of the general conference of UNESCO & former Permanent Representative of the Bahamas to the United Nations, joyfully led the team.

Executive Director Salil Wilson and a few other representatives of the team signed several of these peace paintings to commemorate the Peace Run's visit.

In both cases, they had ingenious ways to coordinate their movements and sounds by having the conductor visible at the back of the room. The team was deeply impressed and enjoyed them very much.

Students representatives one by one put a heart-shaped sticker with a peace message on the poster, as expressions of their dreams and promises for peace.

The program began with lighting the special ceremonial lamps by representatives of the Rotary Club, SPIN International School, and the Peace Run.

These students singers soulfully and dynamically sang the song "Indonesia" composed by the Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy.
"Indonesia, Indonesia, Indonesia!
Softness, Sweetness, Oneness-Ambrosia
You are the golden link between two continents: Asia, Australia
Your matchless prides: Java, Bali, Sumatra, Jarkarta
You are your mountain-heights. You are your volcano-power.
Islam, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, all faiths have built a oneness-tower."

Manoj (right) and Sanjana (left), Co-Founders of the school, are a Rotarian couple and they kindly invited us to their school for this incredibly creative and moving program.

Finally, we were very fortunate to have the opportunity to visit Vice Governor of East Java. Half the team and Rotary leaders visited the West Wing of the Governor's Office.

Vice Governor Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, MSc. and his wife Arumi Bachsin. This extremely beautiful young couple embodied newness, brilliance, openness, hopes and promises of East Java and Indonesia.

Deep gratitude to their extremely warm welcome and keen interest in Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run.

Meanwhile, the other half of the team visited an interfaith complex called Komplek Ibadah 6 Agama, Royal Residence.

Surabaya Rotarians and Peace Run Team paid prayerful visits to each of the faiths represented in the complex.