Eva from Czech Republic (center), had a birthday today. We celebrated this auspicious occasion at the home of our friends and local coordinators in Princeton New Jersey, Putrima and Gagana.

Our international team of runners pass the peace torch to Gagana and Putrima as we thank them for all their self-giving kindness and hospitality. They opened their beautiful home to all of us and fed us with delicious meals during our stay there. This was truly a wonderful way to begin our peace run as we head out on the road on our way to Virginia and back.

Dhavala from Scotland and the rest of the women's team carry one of our peace torches down the road as we travel south in New Jersey.

Marina from Russia and Eva from Czech Republic pass the peace torch during their run towards Pennsylvania this morning.

Homagni lights the torch and looks enthusiastic and ready to put in a few miles today as the men's team takes the torch into Pennsylvania.

Nikolaus, one of our main runners, is happy to get back out on the road carrying the peace torch to share with peace loving people along the way.

Every day we meet very friendly people from all walks of life who wish to share there hopes and wishes for peace while holding the peace torch as we carry it from town to town.

As we approach Philadelphia we run to Chestnut Hill College where Wayne Jacoby of Global Education Motivators receives the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award. He has offered many decades of service to the international community of students concerned with world peace and friendship among diverse communties, cultures and nations.

Students from Chestnut Hill College: Carlota from Spain, Conor from U.S., Cynthia from the DRC(Democratic Republic of Congo)in Africa, Chris Strehl from U.S., and Diego Cabrera from the Dominican Republic, sharing the Peace Torch as they offer their goodwill and enthusiasm for peace and friendship in the world through the Global Education Motivators.

All the runners and students look excited and ready to go on a 2 mile local peace run from the college campus.

Diego, the Captain of the college soccer team, gets ready to lead us out of the campus on a scenic 2 mile Peace Run.

After the students return from their peace run they are quite happy and proud to have contributed their time and energy to inspire us and others. This kind of participation keeps us moving forward to share peaceful moments like these with many others as we keep the torch moving down the road.

Students and Peace Runners gather together with Wayne Jacoby and Ngimbi Charles Kuvuna who helped to organize this inspiring meeting with the students and runners. We are so grateful to them and to Pragati (right),who arranged this uplifting meeting here at Chestnut Hill College today.

After our long day on the road sharing the peace torch we were treated by Pragati to a delicious meal at a local restaurant in Media, Pennsylvania.