We spent the night at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Gettsyburg. We enjoyed meeting your staff and are very grateful for your generosity.

We couldn't leave Gettysburg without making a visit to the site where the Gettysburg address was delivered. At 271 words it is one of the shortest, yet most famous and influential speeches in history.

We also visited the Eternal Light Peace memorial which is part of the Gettysburg battlefield monument site. Part of the inscription on it reads "An enduring light to guide us in unity and fellowship."

We met a lot of friendly people who stopped us to ask, "What's the torch for?" When we tell them its for Peace they're always keen to hold the torch and add their own wish for peace. The people we meet and the way they embrace the message of the Peace Run really fuels us for the running miles.....

In the afternoon we visited Sporting Hill Elementary School in Mechanicsburg where we were met by a group of children who were eager to hear all about the Peace Run and enthusiastically joined in all the different elements of our ceremony.

Our Mother and Son team members, Rotraud and Nikolaus from Austria singing their clue in the country guessing game. These students were excellent at guessing all the countries, with one boy keeping count on his hands of how many he guessed correctly (he needed both hands to count!)

The teachers received a Thank You and round of applause from everyone for all their hard work, before doing a lap of the hall with the torch, much to the children's excitement.