We were delighted that Dr. Jane Goodall, the eminent primatologist and conservationist, met with a small group of Peace Runners backstage at the Beacon Theater in New York City, after she had given a special lecture in celebration of her 90th birthday.

Dr. Goodall, who is also a United Nations Messenger of Peace, held the Peace Torch and gave a blessingful message for the Peace Run ahead of its 10,000-mile journey around North America, starting on April 11th.

She said: "Now more than ever... peace is desperately, desperately needed. So bless you, Peace Torch, and may you travel around the world and bring peace."

Dr. Goodall also enjoyed listening to original audio clips of some of the songs that Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy composed for her when he honored her in April 2003. Team member Pragati Pascale, who arranged for the meeting, shows Dr. Goodall an audio card that plays all the recordings.

One of the songs was recorded on a small pushbutton device that was sewn inside a stuffed chimpanzee toy. Dr. Goodall closed her eyes and listened intently as she pushed the charming chimp's heart-button several times to hear each line of the song about her.

Pictured on the left is Jane's dear friend Susana Name, VP Founder Relations, Partnerships & Special Projects Office of the Founder- Global. We are very grateful to her for her enthusiasm in making this meeting possible!

In April 2003, at the meeting with Sri Chinmoy, Dr. Goodall gave an inspirational talk to hundreds of Peace Run enthusiasts gathered in New York. "I have been trying to travel around America with a message of hope, hope for the future," she said. She told of a life-transforming experience she had had recently while watching the migration of millions of sandhill cranes and snow geese on the Platte River in Nebaska. Her experience made her realize that, in her words,"Although it looks dark, although the days ahead are grim, there will indeed be peace at the end, because cranes are the symbol of peace....The message was loud and clear, and it was a call to action... We must stand strong against fear and hate...We must go on protecting the beautiful world that God has given us, so that when peace comes, we are ready for it. When peace comes, as it will, we must be ready for it. ... Without hope, we sink into apathy... and the evil forces that seem to be abroad will win, and we won't let them."

Words to one of the songs Sri Chinmoy wrote:
Jane Goodall, Jane Goodall, Jane Goodall! Your heart is everywhere compassion-fall. Chimpanzee-heart-conqueror,creation-big-and-small-lover, In teeming fields, champion supreme! You feed the world's oneness-peace-dream. You are your soul-smiles and heart-cries, Your victory-banner God proudly flies.