Today we visited our first school in South Jamaica- Thurgood Marshall Magnet School, named after the famous Civil Rights Lawyer who became the first African-American Supreme Court Justice.

We were thrilled to have a big international team of runners and to be welcomed so enthusiastically by the students!

We are very grateful to our local coordinator, Kovida, for arranging this visit as well as most of our school visits in South Jamaica.

Congratulations to both Maci Rivera(pictured) and Zharia Pennant who both received the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award!

Congratulations also to Tashiba Williams, a parent helper and current Title 1 representative who goes above and beyond in many ways to serve the children and teachers of Thurgood Marshall School.

A big thank you to school principal, Ms Maura Mcshane, pictured centre between Peace Run Executive Director, Salil Wilson, and New York Peace Run Coordinator, Kovida Cruz.

Time for the kids to hold the Peace Torch and make their own wishes for peace- this is always a special moment.

Ankurika from Austria led all the children on a big run around the courtyard- now they are all officially Peace Runners!

A big thank you to all the students and teachers of Thurgood Marshall School for a wonderful visit- we loved meeting you all!

School Principal, Ms Mcshane and Parent Coordinator, Ms Byrd receive our Certificate of Appreciation and an artwork by Peace Run Founder, Sri Chinmoy, entitled "Hope". We are so grateful to Ms Byrd for organising our visit!

Some of our team ran 3.5 miles back to our local headquarters. They met quite a few peace lovers along the way!

The team were delighted to meet this young man, Ishan. He ran about a mile with the torch! At one stage he told the team he was from Bangladesh. Ateam member commented that he could be related to Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy. Everyone was very moved when he replied they were all related to him because they carry his legacy!