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South Africa has warmly embraced the Peace Run over the last 25 years!

Contact: Balarka Robinson email:

Many prominent South Africans have added their support and good wishes to the run over the years.

News from recent Peace Run events in South Africa

Former President Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel hold the Peace Torch with the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy

Former Mayor of Cape Town, Patricia de Lille (left) and South African Olympic silver medalist Elana Meyer hold the Peace Torch together at the start of the 2018 Cape Town Marathon.

Francois Pienaar and Graeme Smith with the Peace Torch1995 Rugby World Cup winning captain Francois Pienaar and Former South African cricket captain, Graeme Smith hold the Peace Torch just before the 2017 Cape Town Peace Marathon with Peace Run Team members Shree Chirkoot and Balarka Robinson (right).


Archbishop Tutu, the Nobel Peace Laureate for 1984, sent this powerful message to the runners: "I am happy to support your Peace Run for justice, peace and reconciliation. The world must know that God wants us to live amicably as brothers and sisters, members of one family, the human family, God's family."


"Peace is not the absence of war....Peace means the presence of harmony, love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love in the world family" ~ Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy

As they cross countries and continents the Peace Runners try their very best to embrace this kind of ideal. Below are a few photos from previous Peace Runs in South Africa.

The Peace Run team at the Cape of Good Hope before travelling across Africa to meet a team coming from Cairo at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro in 2013.

The Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site, A Sri Chinmoy International Peace Park Rededication of the Maloti-Drakensburg Park as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom in September 2019 (The plaque is kindly hosted by Cathedral Peak Hotel)

At the start of the 2018 Peace Race in Cape Town.

The Peace Run has touched more than 10 million people in over 150 countries. South Africa is the base from which the Peace Run has visited many countries in southern Africa.

The message of the Peace Run is very simple one: when we can run together in peace and harmony, then we also can live together in peace and friendship!

Visiting Nkathuto Primary school in Soweto

Shomang Primary School in Soweto.

A dance for peace at Fairhaven Primary School in Chatsworth, Durban.

Peace Tree, Settlers Park Primary School, Port ElizabethPlanting a Peace Tree at Settlers Park Primary School in Port Elizabeth.

Daily reports and fotos from the Peace Run in South Africa until 2019

Reports and pictures from 2005 - 2012 - the World Harmony Run

Latest reports from South Africa - 2022

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