Sri Chinmoy visited Green lake in 1996. Here we are gathering and finding out which direction he ran in.

Natabara has Agraha on the phone reminiscing the experience. He told us how much Sri Chinmoy enjoyed Green Lake and remarked that it was safe to go any time of day.

Along the trail we met Micheal an enthusiastic friend who was inspired to run with us. Back in 1994 he held and ran with an Olympic torch when the Olympics came to Atlanta. The torch now adorns his living room. Thank you Micheal for your uplifting memories.

We stopped to look at some storyboards on the history of the lake. We learned about many water sport fairs and famous faces that had visited.

In 1994 the area was dedicated as Sri Chinmoy Peace Grove. Beautiful sheltering trees were planted behind the bench.

These kids are selling sweets to raise money for a rotary run that they are organizing. Very inspiring. We stopped to buy some snacks.

Radwan from LML Repair gave us some excellent cell phone advice for our troubled phone. Thank you for your support!

For the the Colors of Peace the students of North Beach Elementary School Joined the Peace Run with their beautiful artwork for peace. Kids gave 350 pieces of art to join the Collection under the guidance of Izabela Gabrielson. Her dedication to expanding the hearts and minds of youth through art is immortal. Thank you students and Izabela for your contribution.